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The Reading Bag Project is an initiative of the Brazilian Foundation and aims to promote access to quality reading material as a way to encourage or strengthen the use of Portuguese.
It works exclusively with volunteers who operate regional centers, where local families register, get and take back the bags (reading bags) to our volunteers through a free book loan.
Periodically there are events of storytelling, literary meetings and cultural recovery of the traditional Brazilian games. Stay tuned! 

Who and how can I participate?

Currently, children and young people (and their families) are welcome to participate, regardless of their nationality, level of learning, or fluency in the Portuguese language. Just sign up in one of the regional centers.
We believe in the potential of the family as a source of encouragement and learning in the Brazilian language and culture.

What is the purpose and where to follow  the Reading Bag Project?

Our team of volunteers also manages the Facebook page, whose purpose is to inform the progress and updates of the Reading Bag Project, and to generate a space of trust to share the ideas. 
We have two weekly articles: one about language / bilingualism and another with recommendations of books about the children's literature in Portuguese.
Follow, spread, and participate!
Our Facebook page is: 

Where do I find the service centers?

The Reading Bag Project operates in the Houston-TX area and surrounding areas and it is in our interest to expand the RB to other locations. This expansion is only possible through local leaderships and partnerships, since we are willing to share our know-how regarding the implementation, preparation, resources and evaluation of the project.
For applications in the Greater Houston area, go to:
To learn more about the Reading Bag Project and how to organize a group in your community, contact us at:

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